Reference manual


Why another emulation framework for IoT training and research ?

There are some emulation frameworks available on the Internet that targets devices that embed a Linux operating system (or similar):

  • Firmadyne, an automated firmware emulation framework

  • ARM-X, a training-oriented emulation framework developed by Saumil Shah

Firmadyne is interesting because it tries to automate everything, but it is also a huge limitation. We did not want an automated system, we were looking for an efficient emulation framework able to run custom-made virtual devices that don’t use the same configuration as the original ones.

ARM-X is an emulation designed by Saumil Shah, mostly using shell scripts to provide an emulation environment based on a host system that embeds a target system. The target system runs in its own environment and is therefore easy to analyze. However, the setup is quite complex and adding a new device is somehow challenging for non-experienced users. Moreover, adding or removing virtual devices is not straightforward, and this could be an issue for trainees.

Well, for all these reasons it seemed obvious we needed another Qemu-based instrumentation framework.

Interesting features

Piotr has been designed to be used for IoT security trainings and security research, with the following features in mind:

  • full-system qemu-based emulation environment

  • easy setup, can be installed with pip

  • import/export of virtual devices

  • virtual device instances use temporary filesystems to avoid “bricking”

  • emphasize on reusability (kernels, filesystems, etc.)

  • network should be optional (no samba server, etc…)


The approach brought by ARM-X seems to be efficient and provide the best solution to emulate an embedded device and allow debugging and more at the same time. Piotr definitely relies on an architecture inspired from ARM-X.

Supported architectures and platforms

Since Piotr uses Qemu, it has the same limitations. Full-system emulation is available in Qemu for various architectures, but ARM seems to be the more mature architecture that provides a huge set of different platforms (vexpress, versatilepb, virt, etc.).

Qemu developers recommend to use the virt platform as it is the most flexible platform (while others have hardware limitations such as low RAM and limited buses).

At the moment, the only supported architecture is ARM for the virt platform.


Piotr is designed to run on a Linux system, and has been only tested on this system so far.

Piotr main concepts

Piotr manages three different types of components:

  • host filesystems

  • host Linux kernels

  • virtual embedded devices

This section describes these components and how they are managed by Piotr.

Kernels and host filesystems

Piotr emulated devices rely on an emulated host system to run, and this host system uses a Linux kernel and an associated filesystem. We can design our own different kernels and host filesystems, and add them to Piotr.

More than one virtual device may use the same host kernel and host filesystem, since they are shared amongst virtual devices.

Host filesystem

Piotr host filesystem contains all the required system files required to boot the host system, and some extra tools that are required for analysis:

  • qemu-agent is provided in Piotr’s stock host filesystem and is required by many tools to interact with running instances

  • gdbserver is provided in Piotr’s stock host filesystem to allow remote debugging

Some custom configuration files are also used to display the Piotr banner and allow root to login without password, or even set the prompt according to the running system (host ou emulated target, also called guest).

Filesystems must be ext2 raw images, named as follows: <platform>-<version string>[-[optional tags]].ext2. At the moment, only the virt platform is supported.

We can use piotr to list the registered filesystems:

$ piotr fs list
Installed host filesystems:

> virt.cortex-a7.little-5.10.7.ext2   (version 5.10.7, platform: virt, cpu: cortex-a7 (little-endian), type: ext2)

1 filesystem(s) available

Or register a new one:

$ piotr fs add virt.cortex-a15.little-5.10.7.ext2

Filesystems are usually tied to specific kernel versions as they contain kernel modules that are loaded at boot time.

Our host filesystems are stored in our Piotr local folder ($HOME/.piotr/fs/), as plain files.


If you don’t know what you are doing, just stick with the provided stock filesystem.


In the same manner, Piotr manages a list of Linux kernels that would be used to boot the host system but also to run the emulated device. It could be interesting to compile a custom kernel if some features are missing in the stock kernel, or if the emulated device is intended to be run on a specific version.

Kernels are managed the same way the host filesystems are, using piotr. We can list the existing kernels by issuing the following command:

$ piotr kernel list
Installed kernels:

> virt.cortex-a7.little-5.10.7
Linux version 5.10.7, platform: virt, cpu: cortex-a7 (little-endian)

1 kernel(s) available

kernels are named exactly the same way host filesystems are: <platform>.<cpu>.<endianness>-<version string>.

We can add or remove kernel with piotr, as shown below:

$ piotr kernel add virt.cortex-a7.little-5.10.7
$ piotr kernel remove virt.cortex-a7.little-5.10.7

Our host kernels are stored in our Piotr local folder ($HOME/.piotr/kernels/), as plain files.

Virtual embedded device

A virtual embedded device, as Piotr understands it, is a combination of the following:

  • a Linux kernel

  • a root filesystem

  • an (optional) DTB file

  • additional files,tools and scripts that are required by Piotr to start the emulated environment

A virtual device is a template that would be used by Piotr to create virtualized environments that mimick a real device behavior.

Here is an example of a device directory:

  - /config.yaml
  - /rootfs/

So, what is a virtual device made of ?

Virtual devices are stored in our Piotr local folder ($HOME/.piotr/devices/), and each subfolder defines a virtual device.

A virtual device subfolder contains a config.yaml file that describes the environment in which the virtual device must run. This configuration file tells Piotr how it should configure Qemu to correctly emulate the device, by specifying one or more human-readable options.

A root filesystem is also provided (in a specific rootfs folder), containing the device root filesystem with the exact permissions and owners. That explains why Piotr needs administrative rights to boot a virtual device, as it must access this filesystem and manipulate it. That also means we may need root privileges to browse the content of this root filesystem.

Extra folders may contain a custom linux kernel or a specific DTB file, depending on the device specifications. These files must be referenced in the config.yaml file located at the root of the device folder.

Running a virtual device

Piotr does not directly run a device, as it could cause some issues if an unexpected error or mistake is made while it is running. In order to keep the device safe, Piotr creates a copy of the host filesystem and the device root filesystem as well, and then runs the device with these copies, avoiding any permanent damage to the original filesystems.

Piotr performs the following task in order to create an instance of a virtual device:

  1. it parses the device’s config.yaml file

  2. it checks if a compatible host filesystem and kernel are available

  3. it then creates a copy of the host filesystem

  4. it launches qemu-system-arm with a options that are generated from the configuration

  5. when the device boots, it starts all the required services thanks to the host filesystem boot scripts

Any modification brought to the host filesystem during the use of a virtual device won’t cause any change. However, any modification brought to the device filesystem will be persistent, except if a specific mode is used to mount this filesystem.

Once a virtual device is running, Piotr refers to it as an instance. Instances of virtual devices can then be managed the same way as other Piotr components do, through Piotr command-line utility piotr.

To create an instance of a virtual device, use the following command:

$ sudo piotr device start dvar

It will launch a virtual device from its template, and pick a random instance name. Running instances can be enumerated as follows:

$ sudo piotr device running
Running instances:

  Instance name                           Device
> kind_hofstadter                         Damn Vulnerable ARM Router by Saumil Shah

1 running instance(s)

We can launch a virtual device with a specific instance name with the following command:

$ sudo piotr device start dvar my-dvar-instance

And of course, we can stop a running instance with the following command:

$ sudo piotr device stop my-dvar-instance

When a running instance is stopped, the duplicated host filesystem is removed once the virtual device shut off.

Exporting a virtual device

Piotr provides a way to export a specific virtual device, by packaging all the required dependencies into a single archive file in a way it can be shared and imported.

The packaging process takes the following data and insert them into the archive:

  • the device’s root filesystem (located in the rootfs directory of the device folder, under $HOME/.piotr/devices/)

  • the device configuration file (config.yaml)

  • the device kernel (from registered kernels or custom kernel, depending on the device configuration)

  • the device host filesystem (from registered host filesystem or custom host file system if defined in the device configuration)

Administrative rights are required in order to export a virtual device.

To export a device, use the device export command, as shown below:

$ sudo piotr device export davr davr.piotr

This command exports a device named davr into the davr.piotr archive file.

Importing a virtual device

Importing a device basically takes an archive file created by the export feature, and installs everything at the right place:

  • the device folder is created in the user Piotr’s local folder

  • the root filesystem is extracted and stored in plain

  • the device kernel is installed and registered if it is not one dedicated to this device

  • the host filesystem is installed and registered if it is not one dedicated to this device

The device is then ready to use, with all of its dependencies automatically installed. Kernel files and host filesystems installed and registered during import may be used to create new devices as well.

To import a device, use the device add command as shown below:

$ sudo piotr device add davr.piotr

Virtualizing an existing embedded device

If we plan to virtualize an embedded device, there are a few steps to follow. Each of these steps can fail for one reason or another, so there is no certainty that we would be able to virtualize a specific device:

  • we must determine the version of its Linux kernel and the specific drivers it uses

  • we must have a copy of the root filesystem of the device we want to emulate

  • we must also determine how the system accesses (read/write) its non-volatile parameters

Extracting the root filesystem is not straightforward, and in most cases it is split among multiple partitions that we would have to assemble to recover the actual root filesystem. Doing so would also mean modifying some configuration files or bootup scripts that are used to mount everything at the right place.

Identifying the version of the kernel used by the device, as well as the custom drivers that should be loaded in order for the system to boot correctly may be challenging, depending on the system. Again, we would have to find some tricks to avoid using these drivers, when sometimes we would end up coding some fake drivers to make the system believes everything is normal while it is obviously not the case. It is sometimes better to stick to the expected linux kernel version, even if it causes some issues to the emulated host.

Creating a virtual device

Creating a virtual device from an existing real device requires to:

  • extract or rebuild its root filesystem

  • identify the underlying hardware (CPU, memory, etc.)

Create a device template

Piotr provides a command to create a default device template:

$ sudo piotr device create my-device

This will create a folder named my-device in your piotr device directory (i.e. ~/.piotr/devices/), and populate it with a default configuration file and an empty rootfs directory.

The device directory should look like this:


Rebuild the device’s root filesystem

The main idea is to rebuild the device’s root filesystem including its mounted partitions. For instance, if your device mounts /dev/mtdblock0 to /usr, we have to manually copy the files present in the partition filesystem into /usr.

Thus, we end up with a link-free filesystem similar to the one used by the device when it runs. This filesystem must be copied in the rootfs directory, in the corresponding device directory. We must perform this step as root, as we need to keep the correct permissions, user and group IDs in this filesystem.

Create the device configuration file

Once the root filesystem ready, we need to fill the config.yaml file present in the device directory.

First, we set the target architecture (based on what was observed on the real hardware), as shown below:

version: "1.0"
    name: My IoT device
        platform: virt
        memory: 1024M
        cpu: cortex-a7

The configuration above declares a device called “My IoT device” that will run on Qemu’s virt platform (the only currently supported by piotr), with 1024M of RAM.

We then tells piotr which kernel to use and how to load the device root filesystem:

version: "1.0"
    name: My IoT device
        platform: virt
        memory: 1024M
        cpu: cortex-a7

    kernel: 4.19.196
    bootargs: "root=/dev/vda rw console=ttyAMA,115200"
    guestfs: virtfs

We tell piotr to use a generic Linux kernel 4.14.131 (that ships with the latest version of piotr), we also provide some boot arguments (bootargs) which are pretty standard for Qemu’s virt platform, and asks for our device root filesystem to be loaded through Plan9 Resource Sharing protocol (9P2000). This last option can be omitted as it is the default behavior.

However, you may want piotr not to use this sharing mechanism and therefore use embed instead of virtfs. In this case, piotr will use a copy of the device root filesystem and embed it into the host filesystem before running it.

We have specified so far the machine architecture, hardware platform and the kernel to use (with its boot arguments). We may want to ask piotr to forward a TCP port to access our device SSH service for instance, through the following configuration:

version: "1.0"
    name: My IoT device
        platform: virt
        memory: 1024M
        cpu: cortex-a7

    kernel: 4.19.196
    bootargs: "root=/dev/vda rw console=ttyAMA,115200"
    guestfs: virtfs

        nic0: user

            ssh: tcp,2222,22

Creating a bootup script

When our emulated host will start our device in a chrooted environment, it will execute a specific script to start the device’s services. This script will act as an init script, without all the mountings and device specific tasks that will not work as expected, since it is absolutely not the real hardware.

This script must be located in a piotr folder in the device root filesystem, and called Below an example of such a script:


# Emulate sdcard (required if you are using the sdcard option in config.yaml)
mount -t ext2 /dev/vdb /mnt/sdcard

# Add devpts support (mandatory)
mount devpts /dev/pts -t devpts

# Start prerun program
# (required to avoid errors due to emulation)

# Set the guest shell prompt
export PS1='[Guest]# '

# Start a shell

Booting your device

When we are done with the root filesystem, device configuration file and init script, we can give our emulated IoT device a try. We use piotr to start the device and the emulated host system boots up:

$ sudo piotr device start ipcam
Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x0
Serial: AMBA PL011 UART driver
9000000.pl011: ttyAMA0 at MMIO 0x9000000 (irq = 54, base_baud = 0) is a PL011 rev1
console [ttyAMA0] enabled
SCSI subsystem initialized
NET: Registered protocol family 17
9pnet: Installing 9P2000 support
Registering SWP/SWPB emulation handler
rtc-pl031 9010000.pl031: setting system clock to 2021-06-30 08:58:11 UTC (1625043491)
ALSA device list:
No soundcards found.
EXT4-fs (vda): mounted filesystem without journal. Opts: (null)
VFS: Mounted root (ext4 filesystem) on device 254:0.
devtmpfs: mounted
Freeing unused kernel memory: 1024K
Run /sbin/init as init process
EXT4-fs (vda): re-mounted. Opts: (null)
Starting syslogd: OK
Starting klogd: OK
Running sysctl: OK
Saving random seed: random: dd: uninitialized urandom read (512 bytes read)
Starting network: OK
Starting dhcpcd...
no interfaces have a carrier
forked to background, child pid 713
Starting ser2net: no configuration file
Starting qemu agent...
random: dhcpcd: uninitialized urandom read (120 bytes read)

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██████╔╝██║██║   ██║   ██║   ██████╔╝
██╔═══╝ ██║██║   ██║   ██║   ██╔══██╗
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╚═╝     ╚═╝ ╚═════╝    ╚═╝   ╚═╝  ╚═╝

    -----< version 1.0.0 >-----


We then start the guest (our embedded device):
[Host]# target-start
random: fast init done
Can't open /dev/akgpio
: No such file or directory
GPIO dev not init!!!
=== Start no-auth telnetd server ===
open /dev/akpcm_cdev0 failed: No such file or directory.
=== play type : 0 ===
GPIO dev not init!!!
Can't open /dev/akgpio
: No such file or directory
otg_hs: version magic '3.4.35 mod_unload ARMv5 ' should be '4.19.91 SMP mod_unload ARMv7 p2v8 '
insmod: can't insert '/mvs/modules/otg-hs.ko': invalid module format

A single device cannot be found (/dev/akgpio) and some drivers could not be loaded due to a wrong kernel version used to start the target system, but it boots up and runs all the network services we want to test.

We may also compile a Linux kernel for the exact same architecture and create a compatible host filesystem. As one can see, Linux version 3.4.35 is required here.

However, emulating real hardware such as GPIOs or even a CCCD sensor will be very difficult and this demonstrates the limits of emulation.

Using a custom kernel and host root filesystem

As shown above, some devices may require dedicated configurations that do not fit the standard use. In this case, it is recommended to create a kernel specifically for a device, along with a compatible host filesystem.


We need a framework to build a kernel and a root filesystem: buildroot. Buildroot provides a very convenient way to compile kernels and create a root filesystem.

It is usually available in the main Linux distributions application repositories, or can be downloaded from its website (

Building a kernel for Piotr

If we need a specific kernel version for a virtual device, we will build one that fits our needs with buildroot. This section is not intended to be a complete guide for buildroot, but will cover the specifics required to compile a kernel compatible with Piotr.

In order to use all the required features, buildroot’s toolchain must support WCHAR and C++.

Kernel configuration

First, you must configure buildroot to build a compatible kernel and filesystem for a Qemu ARM architecture compatible with Qemu’s virt platform:

$ make qemu_arm_versatile_defconfig

For recent Linux kernel versions, Plan 9 resource sharing support (9P2000) must be enabled. In buildroot, the kernel configuration is done through a text-based interface:

$ make linux-menuconfig

First, enable Plan 9 Resource Sharing Support in Networking support. Then in Filesystems > Network File Systems, make sure Plan 9 Resource Sharing Support (9P2000) is enabled. 9P POSIX ACLs or security labels may be enabled, but are not mandatory.

By default, buildroot enables all the required options for Qemu, and it would do the job for recent versions of Linux kernel. If you plan to use older versions of Linux kernel, it may be challenging to get buildroot to compile it as it may require older versions of gcc that may be incompatible. Moreover, please consider using the embed option in your YAML device configuration file for option device.guestfs rather than virtfs.


Once your kernel configured, run the following command to compile it:

$ make linux

Buildroot will compile the selected kernel version and will produce a zImage file in the output/images/ folder. Rename this file as follows:

$ mv output/images/zImage /tmp/virt.cortex-a7.little-5.10.7

The expected pattern is platform.cpu.endianness-x.y.z, you must comply with it in order to be able to register/install this kernel into Piotr’s kernels.


Use piotr to install your kernel. It will be copied into Piotr’s kernels folder and automatically available.

$ sudo piotr kernel add /tmp/virt.cortex-a7.little-5.10.7

Building a root filesystem

Using buildroot, it is possible to create a root filesystem that provides everything required to host our target device filesystem.

Mandatory tools required by Piotr

Buildroot allows the following applications to be built and installed in the target root filesystem, under the Target packages submenu when configuring buildroot:

$ make menuconfig
  • gdb and gdbserver (requires a toolchain that supports c++, wchar_t, threads and thread debugging)

  • Qemu guest agent (qemu-ga) provided by the “Qemu tools” package

These are mandatory, but we may also install for convenience:

  • nano as a text editor

  • filesystems utilities (squashfs, e2fsprogs, etc.)

  • python3


Use the same toolchain as you would do for the corresponding kernel, in order to build executable files that will run under the target architecture !

Creating the root filesystem

Once buildroot configured, just use make to build the filesystem:

$ make

The generated filesystem is available in output/images/rootfs.ext2 and is ready to be modified, because we need to add Piotr’s host filesystem files.

We mount this filesystem on a mountpoint, and then add the required files:

# mkdir /tmp/fs
# mount -t ext2 ./output/images/rootfs.ext2 /tmp/fs
# cp -rf <piotr dir>/hostfs-template/* /tmp/fs/
# umount /tmp/fs

Eventually, we rename this root filesystem following the expected pattern:

# mv ./output/images/rootfs.ext2 /tmp/virt.cortex-a7.little-1.0.0.ext2

And we add it to our stock host filesystem using piotr:

$ sudo piotr add /tmp/virt.cortex-a7.little-1.0.0.ext2

And this host filesystem is then installed and available.


Since Piotr is a python-framework, it exposes an API that can be used to automate tasks such as:

  • starting and stopping an instance of a virtual device

  • executing commands on the emulated host system or the target that runs in it

  • enumerating processes on the emulated device

  • debugging remote processes

Importing Piotr API

Piotr API is imported in Python with the following code:

from piotr.api import *

Creating and accessing a virtual device

Starting a virtual device

To create and start an instance of a virtual device, we must first get a Device object corresponding to the device we want to instanciate:

device = Device('dvar')

Then, we can create an instance by calling run() as shown below:

instance ='my-instance', background=True)

The call to run() returns an Instance object that represents the running virtual device.

Retrieving a running instance

Piotr allows us to enumerate the running instances, by using Piotr and its instances() method:

for instance in Piotr.instances():

A specific running instance can be retrieved with its instance name, using instance():

instance = Piotr.instance('my-instance')

Managing processes

Creating a process

We can create a process that will run inside the host system by calling exec_host(), as shown below:

# Launch /usr/bin/example on host system and in background
pid = instance.exec_host('/usr/bin/example', wait=False)

We may also want to start a process in the context of the target system, by using exec_target():

# Launch /usr/bin/example on target system, and in background
pid = instance.exec_target('/usr/bin/example', wait=False)

Enumerating processes

It is then possible to enumerate the running processes on this instance:

for process in
    print('PID:%d - %s' % (, process.path))

Finding a process PID

If we want to find the PID of an executable based on its path, use pid() method with the search executable path:

pid ='/usr/bin/example')

Since target and host processes are available from the host system, we do not have to specify on which system the process we are looking for is ran.

Terminating a process

To terminate a process, just call the kill() method as shown below:

pid ='/usr/bin/example')
if pid is not None and pid>0:

Remote debugging a process

It is also possible to attach a gdbserver to a process running in the host or target system, and then to interact with this server. First, we need to debug a specific running process:

target_pid ='/bin/my-target-program')
if target_pid > 0:
    dbg = instance.debug(target_pid)

The debug() method starts a gdbserver instance, attach it to the target process, and returns a Debugger object. This object drives a gdb debugger and allows to:

  • access the remote process registers

  • access the remote process memory

  • set and remove breakpoints

  • run, single step and stop execution


This debugger capability requires avatar2 to be installed on our machine, as it uses a component provided by this Python package. This package is not installed by default, but is mandatory for this feature.

Controlling the execution

Once our debugger attached, the process is stopped. We can set a breakpoint at a specific address:

# Set breakpoint at address 0x11e8

# Continue execution

# Wait for breakpoint to be reached

Accessing and modifying registers

Registers can be read with the read_register() method, and written with the write_register() method:

# Show PC
print('PC: 0x%08x' % dbg.read_register('pc'))

# Modify PC
dbg.write_register('pc', 0x11f4)

# Continue execution

Stopping a running instance

Just call the stop() method to stop a running instance:
